yoga practice, yoga pose, mountain pose, woman

Mountain Pose


What it does: Raising and lowering your arms supports your inhalation and exhalation. But the movement also helps you monitor the speed of your breath. Do this pose at the beginning of your yoga practice to set the pace for your breathing.

How to do it: Stand with feet hip width apart and arms by your side. Inhale, lift your arms out to the side and overhead. At the top, your palms should face each other. Exhale, lower your arms down to your side. For a variation, move your arms to the front instead of out to the side, keeping the palms facing forward at the top.

How to get better: If your shoulders are tight, bend your elbows when your arms are lifted, enough that your shoulders can relax. Add a slight pause after your inhale and exhale. This will help you slow down your movements, and your yoga practice.

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