by Shawn Radcliffe | Apr 26, 2012 | Health, Medicine, Nutrition
The US Department of Agriculture confirmed the nation’s fourth case of mad cow disease on Apr. 24. In a statement, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack reassured Americans that the food supply is safe. “The beef and dairy in the American food supply is safe...
by Shawn Radcliffe | Apr 24, 2012 | Science
“There she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is Moby Dick!” By now, Captain Ahab is stirring in his grave at reports of a white killer whale—or orca—spotted off the coast of Kamchatka in eastern Russia. But this isn’t the fictitious white sperm whale of...
by Shawn Radcliffe | Apr 16, 2012 | Creativity, Writing
Creativity is the bread and butter of fiction writers. Well, that, and alcohol. Many great writers of the twentieth century struggled with alcohol, including Ernest Hemingway, John Cheever, and Jack Kerouac. The prevalence of alcohol in writers’ lives is so strong...
by Shawn Radcliffe | Apr 16, 2012 | Science
The discovery of a new species of leopard tree frog in New York City is hardly surprising (see “A New Species in New York Was Croaking in Plain Sight,” New York Times 13 March 2012). We are taught as children that nature is something “out...
by Shawn Radcliffe | Apr 14, 2012 | Business, Technology, Writing
English is dying. Stabbed in the heart with LOL stakes. Knocked upside the head with ROFL clubs. The alleged perpetrators: mumbling, angst-ridden teenagers who’d rather download the latest illegal music than write a comprehensible sentence. Editorials and blogs across...