by Shawn Radcliffe | May 15, 2012 | Science
Nature is more than “red in tooth and claw.” Survival of the fittest is commonly seen as organisms battling with each other for scarce resources, but it may also involve multiple species working together for the benefit of all. Darwin’s followers have perpetuated the...
by Shawn Radcliffe | May 12, 2012 | Creativity, Writing
In college, I thought I could accomplish everything. And for a while, I did. With my youthful stamina—and copious amounts of Mtn Dew—I survived seven classes a term, on top of writing short stories for workshops, practicing trumpet and piano several hours a day,...
by Shawn Radcliffe | May 10, 2012 | Science
Here’s something the builders of Jurassic Park didn’t take into consideration: dinosaur farts. The tremendous emissions of creatures like Apatosaurus—think raunchy volcanoes on legs—may have warmed the Earth at a time when it was already extremely balmy. Scientists...
by Shawn Radcliffe | May 8, 2012 | Creativity, Writing
Finding time to write is challenging. I squeeze words and sentences—and if I’m lucky, the occasional paragraph—into the spaces that occupy my day in between writing articles about science topics like yogurt and testicles, or dinosaurs farts, or the daily tasks of...
by Shawn Radcliffe | Apr 27, 2012 | Business, Creativity
Creativity will save the world. To business leaders, this means more than just creating new works of art or Pulitzer Prize winning literature. The global economy depends upon people and businesses thinking differently, according to Jonah Lehrer, author of Imagine....