by Shawn Radcliffe | Jun 29, 2012 | Meditation, Writing, Yoga
In a quest to write better, you wake up early each morning, while the kittens are still snoring quietly on the windowsill in the living room. After a quick breakfast, you sneak out of the house to write in your wasp-infested plywood writing shed, stopping only when...
by Shawn Radcliffe | Jun 26, 2012 | Yoga
“Downward-facing dog is the most ubiquitous pose in yoga,” writes Sara Calabro on the Huffington Post. That’s very true, but is this actually a good thing? This popular pose is the yoga world’s ambassador to a largely inflexible public. You see it in advertisements...
by Shawn Radcliffe | Jun 22, 2012 | Meditation, Writing, Yoga
When I sat down to write this post, my intention was to describe how to write more creatively by setting your own intention. I also intended to clean out the garage this weekend, and I’m certain that the President intends to solve the crisis in the Middle East. Most...
by Shawn Radcliffe | Jun 6, 2012 | Business
The success of a project depends, in large part, on the efficiency of the management process. Many project management methods target specific issues faced when managing complex projects, such as inaccurate estimations of activity times, or the impact of human...
by Shawn Radcliffe | Jun 4, 2012 | Fitness, Health, Technology
A helicopter drone that flies ahead while you run could give you motivation to exercise, stay fit, and run better. If your jogging partner always bails on your runs, you might want to trade him in for a hovering robot. The Joggobot, a small, quad-rotor helicopter...