Why Creating Content Is Once Again King!

Why Creating Content Is Once Again King!

Before the Internet, creating content was a respectable business. In the old days, you might be a content creator if you (there will be a quiz at the end, so pay attention) … Had an idea about how world worked, like why the finches on the Galapagos Islands have so...
Diversity in Yoga — Reaching Out to the Community

Diversity in Yoga — Reaching Out to the Community

With 72 percent of yoga practitioners female and 84 percent white, a lack of diversity in yoga is a big problem in the West. Yoga teachers are aware of the issue, and sometimes talk about the importance of including diverse groups of people in yoga. But what is the...
Diversity in Yoga — The Great White Female Yoga

Diversity in Yoga — The Great White Female Yoga

In the world of high-priced yoga classes, trendy fashions, and rockstar teachers, diversity in yoga falls far short of the spiritual practice’s idealized definition as a “union.” In spite of its ancient roots, yoga in North America still remains a...