Reality Is Not What It Seems, Says Carlo Rovelli

Reality Is Not What It Seems, Says Carlo Rovelli

To Carlo Rovelli, the Italian physicist and author, all reality is interaction, especially when you are trying to make sense of the world around you. “We do understand the world better not in terms of things, but in terms of interaction between things, and how things...
Are We Living in a Virtual Reality or Simulation?

Are We Living in a Virtual Reality or Simulation?

Recent advances in virtual reality are opening whole new worlds to us, but are also raising questions about the nature of reality and whether we can truly trust our perceptions. While the virtual environments available to us now fall far short of our own reality, it’s...
Colors Are Not Real, But Only in Our Heads

Colors Are Not Real, But Only in Our Heads

Each day our minds are bathed by countless colors in the world, from the deep red of a rose to the verdant green of the countryside, and everything in between. Although we revel in the multitude of colors that surround us and reach out to us, science — as far back as...